Y ahora... Palin y Clinton juntas en SNL!!!!

A proposito del post anterior dedicado al fenomeno Sarah Palin, recibi un comentario para visitar el blog Most Popular in USA, y ver el siguiente video presentando a la gobernadora Sarah Palin y la Senadora Hillary Clinton en ....Live from New York.. is Saturday Night!!!

Como de costumbre un gran trabajo por parte del equipo de SNL, que en este caso implica la actuacion especial de Tina Fey (cuyo parecido a Palin ya fue hecho notar anteriormente) junto a la genial Amy Poehler.

Tambien esta disponible la transcripcion de este sketch del cual extraigo algunos parrafos:

Sarah Palin: You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everythi --
Hillary Clinton: [ cutting in ] ON ANYTHING!! I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.
Sarah Palin: And I can see Russia from my house!
Hillary Clinton: I believe that global warming is caused by man.
Sarah Palin: And I believe it's just God hugging us closer!
Hillary Clinton: I don't agree with the Bush Doctrine.
Sarah Palin: [ laughs ] I don't know what that is!
Sarah Palin: So, please, stop Photoshopping my head on sexy bikini pictures!
Sarah Palin: Don't refer to me as a MILF! (*)
Sarah Palin: Reporters and commentators, stop using words that diminish us! Like "pretty", "attractive", "beautiful"...
Hillary Clinton: "Harpy", "shrew", and "boner shrinker".
Sarah Palin: Just look at how far we've come. Hillary Clinton, who came so close to the White House... and me, Sarah Palin, who is even closer. Can you believe it, Hillary?
Hillary Clinton: [ forcing a hard smile ] I cannot!
Sarah Palin: It's truly amazing, and I think women everywhere can agree, that no matter your politics, it's time for a woman to make it to the White House!
Hillary Clinton: No-o-o-o!! Mine!! It's supposed to be mine!! I'm sorry, I need to say something. I didn't want a woman to be President! I wanted to be President, and I just happen to be a woman!

Veanlo antes que lo borren!!!!

(*)Es curioso que Fey mencione eso, ya que en el programa que ella produce: "30 Rock", escribio un capitulo llamado precisamente MILF Island.

1 Comment to “Y ahora... Palin y Clinton juntas en SNL!!!!”

  • soleil   setiembre 15, 2008 3:09 p. m.

    jajajajaja... vi el video y esta buenisimo!! me mato el parecido con Palin!!!
